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2018-2020   Filopatria, reconocimiento de parentesco y la evolución de la sociabilidad en abejas y avispas excavadoras (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) (APOISOCIAL)

Organism and funding: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, funded by Ministero de Economia y Competitividad (Spain). Duration: 3 years. P.I.: Carlo Polidori.


2016   Evolution of antennal structures relevant for sexual communication in males of the wasp superfamily Cynipoidea (Hymenoptera): chemo-receptors and pheromone-spreading glands

Organism and funding: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), funded by the European Union (program SYNTHESYS). Duration: 1 month. P.I.: Carlo Polidori.


2015   Intra-specific attraction, kin-recognition and resource use in solitary wasps (Hymenoptera: Apoidea): prerequisites vs. limitations for the evolution of eusociality

Organism and funding: CESAM-Lisboa - Universidade de Lisboa, funded by Fundação do Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (Portugal). Duration: 9 months (2015). P.I.: Carlo Polidori.

2014-2015   Evolution of chemical communication in a taxon of digger wasps - a comparative study

Organism and funding: University of Wurzburg (Germany) and Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Spain), funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (Germany). Duration: 2 year (2014-2015). P.I.: Carlo Polidori and Thomas Schmitt.

2014   Inventario taxonómico, redes tróficas de insectos inductores de agallas y etología de polinizadores en la Reserva  del Huinay

Organism and funding: Huinay Scientific Field Station (Chile), funded by Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica (CSIC) (España). Duration: 1 year (2014). P.I.: José Luis Nieves-Aldrey.


2013   Estudios sobre Insectos inductores de agallas y polinizadores en los bosques patagónicos de Chile

Organism and funding: Huinay Scientific Field Station (Chile), funded by Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica (CSIC) (España). Duration: 1 year (2013). P.I.: José Luis Nieves-Aldrey.

2012   Riqueza, diversidad y relaciones tróficas de la comunidad de Hymenoptera Cynipoidea asociados a agallas en las especies de Nothofagus de los bosques patagónicos de Chile

Organism and funding: Huinay Scientific Field Station (Chile), funded by Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica (CSIC) (España). Duration: 1 year (2012). P.I.: José Luis Nieves-Aldrey.


2011-2014   Resource type, sensory equipment, and weapons: a co-evolutionary question addressed within Hymenoptera

Organism and funding: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, funded by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) and ESF. Duration: 3 years (2011-2014). P.I.: Carlo Polidori.


2009-2012   Evolution kutikularer Kohlenwasserstoffprofile am Beispiel von solitären Hymenopteren der Grabwespengattung Cerceris

Organism and funding: University of Freiburg, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). Duration: 3 years (2009-2012). P.I.: Thomas Schmitt.

2011   Do body size, asymmetry and tissue disruptions can predict metal trace accumulation in natural-urban clines? A case study with social wasps in South-East Spain

Organism and funding: Universitat de Valencia, funded by Universitat de Valencia (Spain). Duration: 6 months (2011). P.I.: Carlo Polidori.


2011   Does prey type shape diversity and density of antennal sensilla in female philanthine wasps?

Organism and funding: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), funded by the European Union (program SYNTHESYS). Duration: 1 month. P.I.: Carlo Polidori.

2010   The heritance of contamination: trace metal accumulation and their histological effects across wasps, their prey and their parasitoids

Organism and funding: Universitat de Valencia, funded by Universitat de Valencia (Spain). Duration: 6 months (2010). P.I.: Carlo Polidori.

2009   Terrestrial bioindicators in natural and urban areas: an investigation on wasps (Hymenoptera Aculeata) as trace metal accumulators

Organism and funding: Universitat de Valencia, funded by Universitat de Valencia (Spain). Duration: 6 months (2009). P.I.: Carlo Polidori.


2009-2011   La tradizione galileiana e lo sperimentalismo naturalistico d’età moderna. Pratiche, teorie, linguaggi

Organism and funding: Department of Biology of the University of Milan, funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) (PRIN 200799HKRS). Duration: 2 years (2009-2011). P.I.: Maria Teresa Monti.

2007   Ecological and morphological co-evolutionary traits in a parasitic interaction: blister beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae) as parasitoids of sweat bees (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)

Organism and funding: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), funded by the European Union (program SYNTHESYS). Duration: 1 month. P.I.: Carlo Polidori.

2006-2007   Evoluzione della socialità in gruppi primitivi di apoidei usando come modello popolazioni di vespe e api fossorie

Organism and funding: Department of Biology of the University of Milan, funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) (FIRST 2007). Duration: 2 year (2006-2007). P.I.: Francesco Andrietti.

2002-2005   Aggregazione dei nidi: influenza di fattori biotici ed abiotici sul comportamento nidificatorio degli Imenotteri fossori

Organism and funding: Department of Biology of the University of Milan, funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) (FIRBRBAU019H9A). Duration: 3 years (2002-2005). P.I.: Francesco Andrietti.

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