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95. Polidori C., García-Gila J., Blasco-Aróstegui J., Gil-Tapetado D. (2021). Urban areas are favouring the spread of an alien mud-dauber wasp into climatically non-optimal latitudes. Acta Oecologica, 110, 103678.

94. Rodrigo Gómez S., Ornosa C., García-Gila J., Blasco-Aróstegui J., Selfa J., Guara M., Polidori C. (2020). Bees and crops in Spain: an update for melon, watermelon and almond.

93. Polidori C., Sánchez-Fernádez D. (2020). Environmental niche and global potential distribution of the giant resin bee Megachile sculpturalis, a rapidly spreading invasive pollinator. Global Ecology and Conservation, e01365.

92. Pauli, T., K. Meusemann, S. Kukowka, M. Sann, A. Donath, C. Mayer, J. P. Oeyen, Y. Ballesteros, A. Berg, E. van den Berghe, H. Escalona, A. Guglielmino, M. Niehuis, M. Olmi, L. Podsiadlowski, Polidori C., J. de Rondj, P. Rosa, T. Schmitt, F. Strumia, M. Wurdack, S. Liu, X. Zhou, B. Misof, R. S. Peters, and O. Niehuis (2020) Analysis of RNA-seq, DNA target enrichment, and Sanger nucleotide sequences resolves deep splits in the phylogeny of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Insect Systematics and Diversity 15: 1-14.

91. Parejo-Pulido D., García-Gila J., Blasco-Aróstegui J., Mora-Rubio C., Gonzalez J., Polidori C. (2020). Melittobia parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in the Iberian Peninsula: new data on distribution, biology and morphology. Annales de la Societé Entomologique de France.

90. Ronchetti F., Polidori C. (2020) A sting affair: A global quantitative exploration of bee, wasp and ant hosts of velvet ants. PLoS One,15(9): e0238888.

89. Polidori C., Rodríguez-Flores P. C., García-París M. (2020) Ants as costly prey for the endemic and endangered Spanish tiger beetle Cephalota dulcinea. Annales de la Société entomologique de France,

88. Gil-Tapetado D., Cabrero-Sañudo F. J., Gómez J. F., Polidori C., Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2020) Climate as a possible driver of gall morphology in the chestnut pest Drycosmus kuriphilus across Spanish invaded areas. Bulletin of Entomological Research,

87. Polidori C., Jorge A., Keller A., Ornosa C., Tormos J., Asís J. D., Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2020) Strong phylogenetic constraint on transition metal incorporation in the mandibles of the hyper-diverse Hymenoptera (Insecta). Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 20: 511–526.

86. Polidori C., Jorge A., Ornosa C. (2020) Antennal morphology and sensillar equipment vary with pollen diet specialization in Andrena bees. Arthropod Structure & Development 57 (2020) 100950

85. Polidori C., Jorge A., Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2020) Comparative morphology of the antennal “release and spread structure” associated with sex pheromone‑producing glands in male Cynipoidea. Zoomorphology,

84. Polidori C., Ballesteros Y., Wurdack M., Asís J. D., Tormos J., Baños-Picón L., Schmitt T. (2020) Low host specialization in the cuckoo wasp, Parnopes grandior, weakens chemical mimicry but does not lead to local adaption. Insects, 2020, 11, 136; doi:10.3390/insects11020136.

83. Polidori C., Geyer M. & Schmitt T. (2020) Do Sphecodes cuckoo bees use chemical insignificance to invade the nests of their social Lasioglossum bee hosts?. Apidologie, 51: 147–162.

82. Polidori C., Gutiérrez-Cánovas C., Sánchez E., Tormos J., Castro L., Sánchez-Fernádez D. (2020) Climate change-driven body size shrinking in a social wasp. Ecological Entomology, 45: 130-141.

81. Jorge A., Polidori C. & Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2019) Antennal sensilla in male gall-wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) and insights on the evolution of sexual dimorphism in cynipoid sensory equipment. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 283: 213-230.


80. Nieves-Aldrey J. L., Gil-Tapetado D., Gavira O. N., Boyero J. R., Polidori C., Blanco D., Rey del Castillo C., Rodríguez-Rojo M. P., Wong M. E., Vela J. M., Lombardero M. J. (2019) Torymus sinensis Kamijo, a biocontrol agent for the invasive chestnut gall wasps Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu in Spain: its natural dispersal from France and the first data on establishment after experimental releases. Forest Systems, Forest Systems, 28 (1), e001, 11 pages.

79. Polidori C. & Federici M. (2019) Differential female resource distribution in a dioecious plant affects male small-scale distribution in an oligolectic bee. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, in press.

78. Polidori C. & Wurdack M. (2019) Mg-enriched ovipositors as a possible adaptation to hard-skinned fruit oviposition in Drosophila suzukii and D. subpulchrella. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 13: 551–560.

77. Harbi A., Beitia F., Chermiti B., de Pedro L., Ferrara F., Asís J.D., Polidori C.,  Tormos J., Sabater-Muñoz B. (2018) Abiotic factors affecting Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) activity as a natural enemy of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) under semi-natural conditions in the Mediterranean region. Journal of Applied Entomology,

76. Polidori C., Pastor A., Jorge A., Pertusa A. (2018) Ultrastructural alterations of midgut epithelium, but not greater wing fluctuating asymmetry, in paper wasps (Polistes dominula) from urban environments. Microscopy and Microanalysis, doi:10.1017/S1431927618000107

75. Wurdack M., Polidori C., Keller A., Feldhaar H., Schmitt T. (2017) Release from prey preservation behavior via prey switch allowed diversification of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles in digger wasps. Evolution, doi:10.1111/evo.13322.

74. Polidori C., Jorge A. & Ornosa C. (2017) Eumelanin and pheomelanin are predominant pigments in bumblebee (Apidae: Bombus) pubescence. PEER J, 5:e3300.

73. Polidori C., Giordani I., Wurdack M., Tormos J., Asís J. D. & Schmitt T. (2017) Post-mating shift towards longer-chain cuticular hydrocarbons drastically reduces female attractiveness to males in a digger wasp. Journal of Insect Physiology, 100: 119-127.

72. de Pedro L., Beitia F., Sabater-Muñoz B., Harbi A., Ferrara F., Polidori C., Asís J.D. & Tormos J. (2017) Parasitism of Aganaspis daci aganist Ceratitis capitata under Mediterranean climate conditions. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 163: 287–295.

71. Peters R.S., Krogmann L., Mayer C., Donath A., Gunkel S., Meusemann K., Kozlov A., Podsiadlowski L., Petersen M., Lanfear R., Diez P.A., Heraty J., Kjer K.M., Klopfstein S., Meier R., Polidori C., Schmitt T., Liu S., Zhou X., Wappler T., Rust J., Misof B. & Niehuis O. (2017) Evolutionary history of the Hymenoptera. Current Biology, 27: 1013-1018.

70. Selfa J., Polidori C., Asís J. D., de Pedro L. & Tormos J. (2017) Random pattern of parasitism and female-biased sex ratio in the egg parasitoid Neochrysocharis formosa attacking the pine sawfly Diprion pini in mountain forests of Spain. Phytoparasitica, 45: 85-93.

69. Polidori C. (2017) Interactions between the social digger wasp, Cerceris rubida, and its brood parasitic flies at a Mediterranean nest aggregation. Journal of Insect Behavior, 30: 86-102.


68. Jorge A., Polidori C., Garcia-Guinea J. & Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2017) Spectral cathodoluminescence analysis of hymenopteran mandibles with different levels of zinc enrichment in their teeth. Arthropod Structure and Development, 46: 39-48.

67. González-Vaquero R., Polidori C., Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2017) Taxonomy and ecology of a new species of Corynura (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Augochlorini) from Chile and Argentina. Zootaxa, 4221: 95–110.


66. Trivellini G., Polidori C., Pasquaretta C., Orsenigo S., Bogliani G. (2016) Nestedness of habitat specialists within habitat generalists in a butterfly assemblage. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 9: 495-505.

65. Jorge A., Polidori C. & Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2016) Pheomelanin in the secondary sexual characters of male parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Arthropod Structure and Development, 45: 311-319.


64. Ballesteros Y., Polidori C., Tormos J., Baños-Picón L. & Asís J. D. (2016) Falling victim to wasps in the air: a fate driven by prey flight morphology? PLoS ONE, 11(4):e0152256


63. Polidori C., Freitas-Cerqueira A., Pujade-Villar J., Oliva F. & Ferrer-Suay M. (2016) Flagellar sensillar equipment of two morphologically closely related aphid-hyperparasitoids (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Alloxysta). Journal of Insect Science, 16: 10, doi: 10.1093/jisesa/iev149.


62. Rodrigo Gómez S., Ornosa C., Selfa J., Guara M. & Polidori C. (2016) Small sweat bees (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) as potential major pollinators of melon (Cucumis melo L.) in the Mediterranean. Entomological Science, 19: 55-66.


61. Polidori C., Michelsen V. & Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2015) Leucophora satellite flies (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) as nest parasites of sweat bees (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) in the Neotropics. Neotropical Entomology, 44:418-421.


60. Polidori C. & Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2015) Comparative flight morphology in queens of invasive and native Patagonian bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Bombus). Comptes Rendus Biologies, 338: 126-133.


59. Ballesteros Y., Polidori C., Tormos J., Baños-Picón L. & Asís J. D. (2014) Complex-to-predict generational shift between nested and clustered organization of individual prey networks in digger wasps. PLoS ONE, 9(7): e102325.


58. Polidori C. & Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2014) Diverse filters to sense: great variability of antennal morphology and sensillar equipment in Gall-Wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). PLoS ONE, 9(7): e101843.


57. Asís J. D., Ballesteros Y., Tormos J., Baños-Picón L. & Polidori C. (2014) Spatial nest-settlement decisions in digger wasps: conspecifics matter more than heterospecifics and previous experience. Ethology, 120: 340-353.


56. Polidori C., Nieves-Aldrey J. L., Gilbert F. & Rotheray G. (2014) Hidden in taxonomy: Batesian mimicry by a syrphid fly towards a Patagonian bumblebee. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 7: 32-40.


55. Tormos J., de Pedro L., Beitia F., Sabater B., Asís J. D., Polidori C. (2013) Development, preimaginal phases and adult sensillar equipment in Aganaspis parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) of fruit flies. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 19: 1475-1489.


54. Polidori C., Jorge García A. & Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2013) Breaking up the wall: metal-enrichment in ovipositors, but not in mandibles, co-varies with substrate hardness in Gall-Wasps and their associates. PLoS ONE 8(7): e70529.


53. Polidori C., Crottini A., Della Venezia L., Selfa J., Saino N. & Rubolini D. (2013) Food load manipulation ability shapes flight morphology in females of central-place foraging Hymenoptera. Frontiers in Zoology, 10:36.


52. Andrietti F., Polidori C., Casiraghi M., Bellati A., Passerini E. & Martinoli A. (2013) Small–scale sympatric digger wasps Oxybelus argentatus and Oxybelus trispinosus segregate activity, hunt for different prey, and diverge in nesting behaviour. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 49: 205-221.


51. Polidori C., Pavan G., Ruffato G., Asís J.D. & Tormos J. (2013) Common features and species-specific differences in stridulatory organs and stridulation patterns of velvet ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 252: 457-468. 


50. Polidori C., Beneitez A., Asís J.D. & Tormos J. (2013) Scramble competition by males of the velvet ant Nemka viduata (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). Behaviour, 150: 23-37. 


49. Polidori C., Ruffato G., Borruso L., Settanni C. & Pavan G. (2013) Stridulatory organ and distress call in males and females of a small velvet ant (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). Bioacoustics, 22: 121-135.


48. Polidori C., Santoro D. & Blüthgen N. (2013) Does prey mobility affect niche width and individual specialization in hunting wasps? A network-based analysis. Oikos, 122: 385-394.


47. Chatenoud L.,  Polidori C., Federici M., Licciardi V. & Andrietti F. (2012) Mud-ball construction by Sceliphron mud-dauber wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae): a comparative ethological study. Zoological Studies, 51: 937-945.


46. Polidori C., Ballesteros Y., Santoro D., Tormos J. & Asís J. D. (2012) Morphological distance and inter-nest distance account for intra-specific prey overlap in digger wasps (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Population Ecology, 54: 443-454.


45. Polidori C., Jorge García A. & Nieves-Aldrey J. L. (2012) Antennal sensillar equipment in closely related predatory wasp species (Hymenoptera: Philanthinae) hunting for different prey types. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 335: 279-291. 


44. Polidori C. & Borruso L. (2012) Socially peaceful: foragers of the eusocial bee Lasioglossum malachurum are not aggressive against non-nestmates in circle-tube arenas. Acta Ethologica, 15: 15-23.


43. Santoro D., Polidori C., Asís J. D. & Tormos J. (2011) Complex interactions between components of individual prey specialization affect mechanisms of niche variation in a grasshopper-hunting wasp. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80: 1123-1133.


42. Boesi R. & Polidori C. (2011) Nest membership determines the levels of aggression and cooperation between females of a supposedly communal digger wasp. Aggressive Behavior, 37: 405-416.


41. Polidori C., Federici C., Mendiola P., Selfa J. & Andrietti F. (2011) Host detection and rate of parasitism by Acroricnus seductor (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a natural enemy of mud-dauber wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Animal Biology, 61: 57-63.


40. Polidori C., Boesi R. & Borsato W. (2011) Few, small, and males: multiple effects of reduced nest size on the offspring of the solitary wasp, Euodynerus (Pareuodynerus) posticus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Comptes Rendus Biologies, 334: 50-60.


39. Kaltenpoth M., Schmitt T., Polidori C., Koedam D. & Strohm E. (2010) Symbiotic streptomycetes in antennal glands of the South American digger wasps genus Trachypus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Physiological Entomology, 35: 196-200.


38. Polidori C., Bevacqua S. & Andrietti F. (2010) Do digger wasps time their provisioning activity to avoid cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae and Chrysididae)? Acta Ethologica, 13: 11-21.


37. Polidori C., Giordani I., Mendiola P., Asís J. D., Tormos J. & Selfa J. (2010) Emergence and dispersal relative to natal nest in the digger wasp Stizus continuus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Comptes Rendus Biologies, 333: 255-264.


36. Polidori C., Mendiola P., Asís J. D., Tormos J. & Selfa J. (2010) Temporal asynchrony and spatial co-occurrence with the host: the foraging patterns of Nemka viduata, a parasitoid of  digger wasps (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae and Crabronidae). Journal of Ethology, 28: 353-361.


35. Tormos J., Asís J. D., Polidori C., Beneitez A. & Storino G. (2010) The mating behaviour of the velvet ant, Nemka viduata (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). Journal of Insect Behavior, 23: 117-127.


34. Polidori C., Gobbi M., Chatenaud L., Santoro D., Montani O. & Andrietti F. (2010) Taxon-biased diet preference in the ’generalist’ beetle-hunting wasp Cerceris rubida provides insights on the evolution of prey specialization in apoid wasps. Biological Journal of the Linnean society, 99: 544- 558.


33. Polidori C., Mendiola P., Asís J. D., Tormos J., Garcia M. D. & Selfa J. (2009) Predatory habits of the grasshopper-hunting wasp Stizus continuus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae): diet preference, predator-prey size relationships and foraging capacity. Journal of Natural History, 43: 2985-3000.


32. Humala A. E., Mendiola P., Polidori C., Guara M. & Selfa J. (2009) Dialipsis villahermosae Humala & Selfa sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), the second European species of the genus, with biological notes and a key for Paleartic species. Annales de la Societè Entomologique de France, 45: 321-325.


31. Polidori C., Federici M., Trombino L., Barberini V., Barbieri V. & Andrietti F. (2009) Weight, volume and unbalancing: loading constraints of mud dauber wasps carrying mud balls. Journal of Zoology, 279: 187-194.


30. Polidori C., Ouadragou M., Gadallah N. & Andrietti F. (2009) Potential role of evasive flights and nest closures in an African sand wasp, Bembix sp. near capensis Lepeletier 1845 (Hymenoptera Crabronidae), against a parasitic satellite fly. Tropical Zoology, 22: 1-14.


29. Polidori C., Borruso L., Boesi R. & Andrietti F. (2009) Segregation of temporal and spatial distribution between kleptoparasites and parasitoids of the eusocial sweat bee, Lasioglossum malachurum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae, Mutillidae). Entomological Science, 12: 116-129.


28. Polidori C., Boesi R., Ruz L., Montalva J. & Andrietti F. (2009) Prey spectrum and predator-prey size relationship of the solitary wasp,Trachypus denticollis, in central Chile (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 44:55-60.


27. Boesi R., Polidori C. & Andrietti F. (2009) Searching for the right target: oviposition and feeding behavior in Bombylius bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Zoological Studies, 48: 141-150. 


26. Boesi R., Polidori C. & Andrietti F. (2009) Biology of Lasioglossum (L.) majus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), a largely solitary sweat bee with behavioural adaptations to communality. Journal of Ethology, 27: 361-367.


25. Tormos J., Polidori C., Asís J. D. & Gayubo S. F. (2008) Description of mature larvae of Allodynerus rossii (Lepeletier), Ancistrocerus auctus (Fabricius), Euodynerus dantici (Rossi) and Symmorphus murarius (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Zootaxa, 1946: 42-54. 


24. Andrietti F., Casiraghi M., Martinoli A., Polidori C. & Montresor C. (2008) Nesting habits of two spider wasps: Anoplius infuscatus and Episyron sp. (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), with a review of the literature. Annales de la Societè Entomologique de France, 44: 93-111.


23. Polidori C., Mendiola P., Asís J. D., Tormos J., Selfa J. & Andrietti F. (2008) Female-female attraction influences nest establishment in the digger wasp Stizus continuus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Animal Behaviour, 75: 1651-1661.


22. Polidori C., Zangheratti V., Martinoli A. & Andrietti F. (2007) Temporal transition of nesting activities in the digger wasp, Bembecinus tridens (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Italian Journal of Zoology, 74: 265-275.


21. Tormos J., Asís J. D., Polidori C. & Boesi R.(2007) Host association in Chrysis fulgida L. and description of its prepupa (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Journal of Entomological Science, 42: 193-199.


20. Tormos J., Asís J. D., Polidori C., Boesi R. (2007) Prepupal morphology of Trachypus denticollis (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), with comments on larval characters in the subfamily Philanthinae. Journal of Entomological Science, 42: 52-55.


19. Boesi R., Polidori C., Gayubo S., Tormos J., Asís J. D. & Andrietti F. (2007) Nesting biology, morphological remarks, and description of the mature larva of Mellinus arvensis obscurus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) in Nepal. Florida Entomologist, 90: 184-190.


18. Polidori C., Federici M., Pesarini C. & Andrietti F. (2007) Factors affecting spider prey selection by Sceliphron mud-dauber wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) in northern Italy. Animal Biology, 57: 11-28.


17. Polidori C., Boesi R., Pesarini C., Papadia C., Federici M., Bevacqua S. & Andrietti F. (2007) Temporal relationship between the prey spectrum and population structure of the weevil-hunting wasp Cerceris arenaria (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Zoological Studies, 46: 83-91.


16. Tormos J, Asís J. D., Polidori C. (2006) Description of the prepupa of Chalybion femoratum (Hymeoptera: Sphecidae), with comments on larval characters in the genus. Florida Entomologist, 89: 388-390.


15. Polidori C., Papadia C., Disney R. H. L. & Andrietti F. (2006) Behaviour and activity patterns of the scuttle fly Megaselia oxybelorum (Diptera: Phoridae) at aggregations of two host digger wasps (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Journal of Natural History, 40: 1969-1982.


14. Boesi R., Polidori C. & Disney R. H. L. (2006) Two new species of scuttle fly (Diptera: Phoridae) associated with cellophane bees (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) in Chile. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 82: 341-345.


13. Polidori C. & Andrietti F. (2006) Nest abandonment in the solitary wasp Cerceris arenaria (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae): escape, leave open or destroy the door? Sociobiology, 47: 455-470.


12. Tormos J., Polidori C., Asís J. D. & Federici M. (2006) Description of the postdefecating larva of Stilbum cyanura (Förster) and observations on adult behavior (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Journal of Entomological Science, 41: 1-8.


11. Polidori C., Tormos J., Asís J. D., Mendiola P. & Andrietti F. (2006) A note on facultative kleptoparasitism in Prionyx kirbii (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) as a consequence of multi-specific shared nesting site, with description of its prepupa. Entomologica Fennica, 17: 405-413.


10. Polidori C., Federici M., Papadia C. & Andrietti F. (2006) Nest sharing and provisioning activity of females of the digger wasp,Cerceris rubida (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Italian Journal of Zoology, 73: 55-65.


9. Polidori C., Casiraghi M., Di Lorenzo M., Valarani B. & Andrietti F. (2006) Philopatry, nest choice and aggregation temporal-spatial change in the digger wasp Cerceris arenaria (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Journal of Ethology, 24: 155-163.


8. Polidori C., Trombino L., Fumagalli C. & Andrietti F. (2005) The nest of the mud-dauber wasp, Sceliphron spirifex (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae): an application of geological methods to structure and brood cells contents analysis. Italian Journal of Zoology, 72: 153-159.


7. Tormos J., Boesi R., Polidori C. & Asís J. D. (2005) Description of the mature larva of Ancistrocerus sikhimensis (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae). Florida Entomologist, 88: 188-190.


6. Boesi R., Polidori C., Bevacqua S., Tormos J., Asís J. D. & Andrietti F. (2005) Trap-nesting Ancistrocerus sikhimensis (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae) in Nepal: nest structure and associates (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae; Acarina: Saproglyphidae). Florida Entomologist, 88: 135-140.


5. Polidori C., Scanni B., Scamoni E., Giovanetti M., Paxton R.J. & Andrietti F. (2005) Satellite flies (Leucophora personata, Diptera: Anthomyiidae) and other dipteran parasites of the communal bee Andrena agilissima (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) on the island of Elba, Italy. Journal of Natural History, 39: 2745-2758.


4. Polidori C., Boesi R., Isola F. & Andrietti F. (2005) Provisioning patterns and choice of prey in the digger wasp Cerceris arenaria (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae): the role of prey size. Europen Journal of Entomology, 102: 801-804.


3. Polidori C., Disney R. H. L., Boesi R. & Andrietti F. (2005) Association of the scuttle fly Megaselia leucozona Schmitz (Diptera: Phoridae) with sweat bees (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), with a description of the male fly. Entomologica Fennica, 16: 145-150.


2. Polidori C., Disney R H. L.& Andrietti F. (2004) Some observations on the reproductive biology of the scuttle fly Megaselia andrenae (Diptera: Phoridae) at the nesting site of its host Andrena agilissima (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). European Journal of Entomology, 101: 337-340.


1. Casiraghi M., Polidori C., Ferreri P., Preatoni D. G., Andrietti F., Martinoli A. (2003) Does the distance among nest clusters affects reproductive success in Ammophila sabulosa (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae)? Ethology Ecology and Evolution, 15: 329-341. 





5. de Pedro L., Beitia F., Sabater-Muñoz B., Harbi A., Ferrara F., Polidori C., Asís J.D. & Tormos J. (2018) Condiciones climáticas y control biológico de la mosca mediterránea de la fruta, Ceratitis capitata, mediante el parasitoide Aganaspis daci. Levante Agrícola, 441: 128-133.

4. Smith D.R., Polidori C. & Nieves-Aldrey J.L. (2014) Notes on two unusual species of Symphyta (Hymenoptera: Pergidae, Xiphydriidae) from Chile, with the first report of a gall-inducing sawfly from the Neotropical Region. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (S.E.A.), 54: 171-174.


3. Polidori C., Beneitez A., Asís J. D., Gayubo S. F. & Tormos J. (2012) Predicting activity patterns from resource exploitation in guilds of digger wasps’ natural enemies. Advanced Science Letters, 18: 77-84.


2. Polidori C., Rubichi A., Trombino L., Barbieri V. & Donegana M. (2010) Floral resources and nesting requirements of the ground-nesting social bee, Lasioglossum malachurum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), in a Mediterranean semiagricultural landscape. Psyche, Volume 2010, Article ID 851947, 11 pages.


1. Polidori C., Disney R.H.L. & Andrietti F. (2001) Some behavioural observations on Megaselia oxybelorum (Diptera: Phoridae), a new kleptoparasite of Cerceris arenaria (Hymenoptera: Sphecoidea: Philanthidae). British Journal of Entomology and Natural History, 14: 93-95.





9. Andrietti F. & Polidori C. (2019) Un’analisi storico-biologica delle indagini di Antonio Vallisneri e Diacinto Cestoni su vespe parassitoidi e galligene. In: Ex Ovo Omnia – Parassitologia e origine delle epidemie nelle ricerche e nell’opera di Antonio Vallisneri (D. Generali, ed.). Olschki, Firenze, pp 95-133. ISBN: 978-88-222-6615-6.

8. Andrietti F. & Polidori C. (2019) The hidden biodiversity data retained in pre-Linnaean works: a case study with two important XVII century Italian entomologists. In: From Assessing to Conserving Biodiversity. Conceptual and Practical Challenges (E. Casetta, D. Vecchi, J. Marques da Silva, eds.). Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 21-54. ISBN: 978-3-030-10991-2.

7. Quintero C., Garibaldi L.A., Grez A., Polidori C., Nieves-Aldrey J.L. (2013) Galls of the temperate forest of southern South America: Argentina and Chile. In: Neotropical Insect Galls. G.W. Fernandes & J.C. Santos (eds.). Springer, NY & London, pp. 429-463.


6. Polidori C. (2014) Himenópteros depredadores y control biológico de plagas: ¿un recurso ignorado? In: Entomología y control biológico (Tormos & Portillo Dir., Coord.). [online book]. Salamanca: Cajaduero; Paiporta (Valencia): Sendemá. ISBN: 978-84-694-0797-4. Available at:


5. Andrietti F. & Polidori C. (2012) Carrying unbalanced weights in hovering flight: effect of prey position on load maximization in wasps. In: Advances in Medicine and Biology vol. 33. Nova Science Publishers, NY, pp. 75-98.

4. Polidori C. (Ed.) (2011) Predation in the Hymenoptera: An Evolutionary Perspective. Transworld Research Network publishing/Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 245 pp.


(review of the book here:



3. Polidori C. (2011) The role of increased prey spectrum and reduced prey size in the evolution of sociality in Cerceris wasps. In: Predation in the Hymenoptera: An Evolutionary Perspective (C. Polidori, Ed.). Transworld Research Network publishing/Research Signpost, Kerala, India, pp. 199-216.


2. Polidori C., Santoro D., Asís J. D. & Tormos J. (2011) Individual prey specialization in wasps: predator size is a weak predictor of taxonomic niche width and niche overlap. In: Predation in the Hymenoptera: An Evolutionary Perspective (C. Polidori, Ed.). Transworld Research Network publishing/Research Signpost, Kerala, India, pp. 101-122.


1. Boesi R., Oggioni A. & Polidori C. (2002) Gli Sfecidi (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) del Parco Regionale del Ticino. In: Atlante della biodiversità del Parco Regionale della Valle del Ticino ed. 2002.


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